Hi, well a blind it student doing certificate iv interactive gaming and digital media from and use a screen readers, jaws for windows andnon visual desktop access (nvda) from. I don't want to use Visual Studio without code completion so I need to resolve this problem before I can continue with learning how to code in C#. Uninstalling and re-installing has given the same result three times. I wrote a novel here but open to any other ideas someone may have. I shouldn't say there is no code completion, but it is things like: true, try, tryf, etc. It requires a restart to take effect so restarted Unity 2017.1. Closed out Mono Develop and back to preferences to select Visual Studio 2017. Just as I would expect from Visual Studio. Typed tran, and given many options as it relates to Transform. It launches and code completion works fine. Closed out VS, double clicked script in Unity, and it does not launch Visual Studio.īack to preferences and changed to Mono Develop just to try it out. This would not select before but this time the setting seems to select. Back to Unity Preferences External Tools to try and select Unity.Vs.OpenFile. Checked the component named Unity 5.6 Editor to install. Launched Unity, opened script, and same problem.īack to the VS Installer and individual components. Launched the test project and same problem. I then went back to Workloads and selected Universal Windows Platform development in the installer.

It no longer says Miscellaneous Files but still no code completion. For example, if I begin to type 'transform', it does not give code completion for transform. IntelliSense seems to work, but in a generic way. I selected Console App and created a new project. NET Framework 4.6.1, there were options for Visual C# and the Ok button was no longer grayed out.

I then went for new project again and this time presented with a. So unable to create a New Project.īack to the installer, under workloads, I installed. I double checked the location to ensure it was pointing to a valid location, and the OK button still grayed out. In the project settings the OK button is grayed out. I closed that out and then created a new project. Next I launched Visual Studio, new file, Visual C# Class and the same problem. I then closed Unity and closed Visual Studio. It shows up as Miscellaneous Files and IntelliSense does not work.

I then launched Unity, created a new script, double clicked which launched Visual Studio 2017. Ok, so I uninstalled Tools for Unity and then re-installed.