The method for community challenges unlock is messy, sorry. I am using the latest version of the base game on Uplay, the one that was given away for free. Though the odd thing is is that it does actually unlock the item, I just have to do it every time the game loads (even for example failing a mission, upon checkpoint reload the items are gone again). I follow the instructions and when i click to unlock things (the community challenge items to be precise) I'm greeted with an error stating the unlock has failed and to try reloading. Pardon my ignorance, but is this meant to be permanent (as in once unlocked I don't need to use the table again upon a new start up and load of the game)? Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1ĪC4BFSP_unlocker_For Legal Editions v3.ct (22.5 KiB) Downloaded 4434 times AC4BFSP_unlocker_For 3DM crack v2.ct (22.24 KiB) Downloaded 2976 times AC4BFSP_unlocker_For Legal Editions v2.ct (22.51 KiB) Downloaded 566 times AC4BFSP_unlocker_For 3DM crack.ct (21.84 KiB) Downloaded 627 times.Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.: updated (v2) legal editions version to fix bugs : updated both versions for better compatibility There is one version which is confirmed to be working with the 3DM crack, the other one with the Steam Standard Edition. No Uplay or Kenway fleet items (but see posts below !)